sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2007

BÉBÉS PREMATUROS: Informações úteis

Algumas informações úteis sobre bébés prematuros aqui.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

I just got an iphone 3g and I got so excited that i filled it with loads of applications and songs (about $30 worth). The other day when i plugged my iphone into the computer on itunes it said to reset the iphone to factory settings. I dont want to loose all my apps so what can i do? PLEASE REPLY A.S.A.P.

[url=]unlock iphone 3g[/url]

Anónimo disse...

I've noticed a particular iphone app that is exactly like a very popular board game that is only 8 years old. The developer is just some guy and obviously doesnt have any license to it because it's called a different name. Doesn't this violate some sort of copyright? (this reminds me of the facebook court case between scrabble and the guys who made scrabulous).
[url=]unlock iphone[/url] [url=]unlock iphone[/url]