quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Sobre os casais que estão tão unidos que morrem, um, pouco tempo depois do outro

Aqui, um excelente texto sobre casais que desenvolvem uma relação tão visceralmente íntima que morrem um pouco tempo depois do outro

Os 2, tornam-se 1, 1 só corpo e 1 só carne:

The parties in a couple become to intertwined into each others’ lives that life without the other would be fundamentally different. Routines are gone. The simple presence of the beloved other is gone. The one who listened to your concerns and shared your joys is gone. The one who trusted you and whom you trusted more than anyone else is gone. The one who touched you just so is gone. The one who tapped into your spirit, brought you out of yourself, and saw with love into the depths of your being is gone. The one whom you would have done anything for is gone.

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