quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

Infertility and NaProTechnology

Infertility and NaProTechnology

If a couple use FertilityCare from the beginning of their sexual relationship they have tremendous insight into their fertility potential BEFORE they ever try to conceive. This is extremely beneficial in a society where one couple in 6 will experience some difficulty conceiving. The earlier problems are identified and treated, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.  To see a brochure on NaPro Fertilitycare click HERE.
NaProTechnology is an abbreviation of the term “Natural Procreative Technology”, which is a scientific, holistic process of investigating abnormal gynaecologic and reproductive health. It is particularly effective in treating infertility and recurrent miscarriages. NaProTECHNOLOGY was developed by Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. It involves teaching women and couples how to monitor and record their “Biological Markers” of fertility in a precise and standardised fashion using the FertilityCarecharting system. This information allows the physician who is trained in FertilityCare and NaProTechnology techniques to conduct a more thorough evaluation of the fertility cycle to identify abnormal menstrual bleeding patterns, poor cervical mucus flow and subtle hormonal deficiencies that are often not detected by routine gynaecologic evaluation. Establishing a diagnosis is essential to NaProTechnology. You need to find the problem before you can fix it! Medical treatments are prescribed in a timed fashion with respect to the woman’s cycle. The goal of treatment is to restore a normal appearance to the fertility chart and restore optimum fertility potential for the couple.Correcting underlying charting and hormonal abnormalities improves fertility and reduces the risk of miscarriage. When optimum function is achieved, conception can occur anywhere from the first to the twelfth effective cycle of treatment. On average couples complete fertility evaluation and treatment between 18 to 24 months after the initial medical consultation, or sooner if conception occurs. Many of the medications used with NaProTechnology are widely used in other fertility programmes, but the precise timing and monitoring of treatment using the FertilityCare charting system is unique to NaProTechnology.

Become your own Fertility Expert

The system teaches couples how to become their own fertility experts. They learn how to assess monitor and manage their fertility through a series of consultations with their physician and specially trained teacher-practitioner. Nearly 40 practitioners are available in Ireland with and a further 10 in the UK.  The process of “Fertility Tracking” empowers couples, and is essential to identify and treat the underlying causes of abnormal reproductive health.


NaProTechnology is suitable for nearly every category of infertility and recurrent miscarriage. Couples with conditions such as Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovaries, Pelvic Adhesions, Blocked Fallopian tubes, Low progesterone, not ovulating, Unexplained infertility, Unexplained recurrent miscarriage and Poor semen analysis have all conceived using the NaProTECHNOLOGY approach.

Male Factor Infertility

Men with very low sperm counts or anti-sperm antibodies can be treated. If one result is poor the analysis is repeated about 2 to 3 months later following “healthy lifestyle” advice. The man is advised to increase exercise, stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake, stress reduction and vitamin & mineral supplements may also recommended. It is important for the man to have a complete urological assessment with a urologist interested in finding and treating the underlying cause of male infertility. Surgical correction of a varicocele, and medical treatments including Indomethacin, tamoxifen, L carnitine, antibiotics, prednisolone, coenzyme Q10 and Pycnogenol can been used to improve the mans semen analysis. A further crucial factor is to conduct a thorough evaluation of the woman’s fertility potential, with NaProTECHNOLOGY. Often a previously un-identified female factor is found, such as poor cervical mucus flow and suboptimal hormones. Correction of these factors improves the overall chance of successful treatment. Men with very low sperm counts have conceived with this approach. If the count remains persistently below 1 million, despite treatment, conception is less likely to occur. The lowest (treated) semen analysis that resulted in conception in the Irish programme had a count of 4 million with 45% motility and 96% abnormal morphology. This had improved from untreated levels that had counts of less than 1 million. That couple had tried and failed ICSI twice before succeeding with NaProTechnology.

NaProTechnology has been available in Ireland since February 1998. In that time over 2,000 couples have been treated with an overall success rate of about 40%. Even couples with a history of failed IVF can expect to have a successful pregnancy about 30% of the time using NaProTechnology. To date nearly 200 couples with previously failed IVF have conceived using this approach. In cases of recurrent miscarriage, nearly 80% of couples will have a successful pregnancy. Couples with a history of eight to nine previous miscarriages have now had successful pregnancies using this system.

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